Guide to repainting your Room like a Pro

A new coat of paint is pleasing to the eyes, especially when we are surrounded by the walls of our own home this season. Find a colour that inspires you and get on that home improvement project! Here are some tips to make the process smoother:


Step 1 - Choose colour


1. Choosing your colour!

First, choose your preferred colour. Normally, you could get samples from the hardware store. However, but with the lockdowns, we’ll need to adapt and search for these online. Various paint companies have made it easier for customers to search for samples through augmented reality and buy paint online. If possible, print out your samples and stick them on the wall and observe it at all times of the day, from the natural light of mornings to your room lights switched on in the evenings. This will determine the various shades of your preferred colour.

Ensure that you have all your high-quality tools if you plan to paint – brushes, paint rollers and painter’s tape as well as ample plastic and drop cloths. As the saying goes by Benjamin Franklin, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”


Step 2 - Preparing your room


2. Preparing your room!

Place drop cloths on the floor and furniture (if you can’t move them out of the room!) to prevent paint splatters on them. Apply painter’s tape on parts of your walls you don’t want painted as well such as window frames and trims. Always ensure to properly stick the tape so that the paint will not leak through them.

Fill and repair any holes on the walls before cleaning them. Use a spackling compound to fill any holes and a putty knife to scrape the excess residue. Leave them to dry before cleaning the walls with a damp cloth. Next, remove light switches and outlet covers. Start by removing its screws and placing them in a bag with its label. This will save you lots of trouble when reattaching them back. However, if this is not possible, just apply painter’s tape around the light switches.


Step 3 - Painting your wall


3. Painting your wall!

Before you begin, it is important to use a primer first on new walls or when painting with a drastic change of colour. Priming helps to overlap stained walls, seals them in place and reduces the chance of mold growing. You also have the option of choosing a paint and primer mixed in one to save you from doing double work. If you skip on the priming, your paint may risk being peeled off after some time, especially in humid conditions.

Start by painting certain parts such as the edges and tips connecting to the ceiling, walls, window and door frames with a small paintbrush, basically “outlining” your walls. That way, you won’t have trouble painting the areas when using larger paint rollers. Next is painting the rest of the walls with the paint roller. Start from the top to bottom with an overlapping “W” to cover your roller marks. If you are using a separate paint from the primer, repeat the same steps once the primer has dried off.  

It is recommended to get an extendable paint roller or one where you could attach a pole to it. This is to ensure that you can paint your ceilings without using a step or a ladder.


Step 4 - Cleaning up


4. Cleaning up!

Once you’re done painting your walls, let them dry out by exposing the room to as much sunlight as possible so that the paint will quickly dry up. Clean your brushes with warm water as soon as you’re done painting – this will prevent the paint from drying and sticking on them. Proceed to hang them so that their bristles will maintain their shape. Tightly seal your paint cans to prevent dust and other particles from entering in.

Once your walls have dried up, dispose all the materials covering your paint trays, remove the painter’s tape and drop cloth from the floor. Finally, move back your furniture and reattach the light switches and frames in your newly painted room. 

With all these tips in mind, we hope that you are inspired to give your rooms a fresh new look. It might seem daunting but giving them a fresh new look will be rewarding as well. Have fun!

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